Códigos (codes of conduct)

Here are the behaviors expected of a participant in an encuentro milonguerouero.


Social event


We dance not only with friends, but also with strangers. We socialize even if we don’t dance with everyone. We encourage you to share your table with different people at each milonga.



Invitation is by mirada and cabeceo. Be careful not to block or steal miradas addressed to others. Check that there is mutual desire on both sides before inviting.




Once the invitation has been confirmed, the man moves towards the woman to accompany her onto the dance floor. After the tanda, he offers to escort her back to her seat.


Entering the dance floor


We enter the dance floor through the dance floor entrances (gates). We wait for the dancer already on the dance floor to agree. When not dancing, participants circulate outside the dance floor, behind the tables.



Circulation on the dance floor


Couples move along the dance floor with complicity, filling the space in front of them for the benefit of all the dancers. The ronda must be fluid and harmonious. Changes of dance line and steps in the opposite direction of the dance floor are to be avoided, as are any other antics that pose a risk to the dancers next to them.

We clear the dance floor during the Cortina and invite another partner if we wish to dance the next tanda.

Note: The organizers reserve the right to exclude any participant from the event following a serious and repeated breach of the code of conduct.